Published : 2020-12-30

Increasing the Socio-Cultural Influence of Immovable Cultural Heritage on Local communities - the case of historic Residential Buildings in Wielkopolska Used as Hotels

Zdzisława Elżbieta Niemczewska


The article presents results of a study of how immovable cultural heritage used for commercial purposes of tourism affects local communities. The study is based on data collected in direct interviews with property owners and representatives of local authorities and a questionnaire survey of local residents concerning sixteen historic buildings used as hotels, which are located in rural areas of Wielkopolskie province. It was found that the provision of additional, free cultural functions for local communities by property owners and/or local authorities exerts a greater socio-cultural impact and contributes to local, sustainable development. Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that when historic buildings of this kind are used for commercial purposes it is important to ensure that they are part of the cultural experience not only for hotel guests but also for the local community. In this way, entire communities can appreciate their local cultural heritage (socio-cultural impact), which in turn strengthens cultural sustainability. (original abstract)


Cultural heritage, Management, Sustainable development, Economics, Cultural development, Antique real estates, Regional development





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Niemczewska, Z. E. (2020). Increasing the Socio-Cultural Influence of Immovable Cultural Heritage on Local communities - the case of historic Residential Buildings in Wielkopolska Used as Hotels. Studia Periegetica, 32(4), 43–57.

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