Published : 2012-06-30

Warsaw-Berlin Highway Impact on the Development of Enotourism in Lubuskie Region

Jarosław Smogór


The aim of this article is to show the development of wine tourism in the Lubuskie Province in aspect of opening a highway Warsaw-Berlin. In this context the article presents the results of a survey conducted among vineyard owners concerning the opportunities, difficulties and prospects for the future. The first part characterizes all the vineyards, their development schemes and the so called SWOT analysis of wine tourism conducted in this area. The second part discusses the opportunities and threats of the local vineyards, and attempts to answer a question to what degree the newly built highway passing across the province will affect the development of wine tourism among Polish and foreign tourists. The research shows that for 94% of vineyard owners the highway will increase the influx of wine buffs to this part of the country. An opportunity also lies in combination of wine services with ecological ones, and convenient EU regulations. However, a certain threat is the lack of uniform state regulations, insufficient support and interest from local authorities at all levels regarding this type of niche tourism. In the Lubuskie Province, its wine tourism can e.g. contribute to the economic development, enhance the standard of living of the local people, as well as reduce unemployment. Consequently, with the development of tourist infrastructure, and much more money will be earmark for a promotion of this region both in Poland and abroad. (original abstract)


Tourism development, Alcohol production, Motorway, SWOT analysis, Enotourism





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Smogór, J. (2012). Warsaw-Berlin Highway Impact on the Development of Enotourism in Lubuskie Region. Studia Periegetica, 7, 121–130. Retrieved from

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