Published : 2010-12-30

Why Has 1192 Become the Year When the History of the Town of Czarnkow Began?

Wojciech Nowacki


Tourism has become an extremely important and profitable branch of regional economy. Moreover, it improves local identity amongst its inhabitants, neighbours and tourists. Very often it is built on the base of history. The most important date in the history of a town or city is the date of its beginning. One of the most obvious possibilities, particularly in the Middle Ages, is the year of the location. Unfortunately, there are some towns and cities, that nowadays do not possess their location privileges, therefore we cannot establish the exact date of their beginnings. In search for their genesis, those towns and cities are forced to find a new date, based on completely different sources. Czarnkow, a small town in the northern Greater Poland, was located presumably somewhere in the first half of the 14th century, although the first known date of its history (1108) comes from the Gallus Anonymus' chronicle. Nevertheless, for the last couple of centuries the year 1192 has been considered the exact date of Czarnkow's origins. The problem is that this date is based on falsification and the Author's main point of interest here is to find the reason why it became a part of Czarnkow's identity.(original abstract)


City, History of city, Historiography





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Nowacki, W. (2010). Why Has 1192 Become the Year When the History of the Town of Czarnkow Began?. Studia Periegetica, 5, 126–142. Retrieved from

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