Published : 2020-12-30

The Polish Baltic Coast as a Tourist Area in the Light of Tourism Indicators

Krzysztof Parzych


The Polish coast is located at a considerable distance from the main areas of leisure tourism in Europe. In recent years this area has seen a significant growth in tourist accommodation and tourist traffic. The aim of this study was to analyse the quantitative and spatial differentiation of tourist traffic in the Polish coast. The analysis is based on statistical data from the Local Data Bank (BDL) maintained by Statistics Poland (GUS) about all seaside municipalities for which there is data on tourist arrivals. The author focuses on the most commonly used indicators of tourism activity: Baretje-Defert's index of the tourism development, Schneider's index of tourism intensity, Charvat's index of intensity of tourist traffic and Defert's index of tourist traffic density (based on data for 2014, except the number of tourist beds for 2019 year). The author found significant differences in the volume of tourist traffic across Polish coastal municipalities and between the Polish coast as a whole and other coastal areas in other European countries. (original abstract)


Tourist movement, Tourist activity, Tourism movement research, Tourism accommodation facilities, Statistical data analysis





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Parzych, K. (2020). The Polish Baltic Coast as a Tourist Area in the Light of Tourism Indicators. Studia Periegetica, 32(4), 71–87.

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