Published : 2010-06-30

Peregrinations of an Educated European

Kazimierz Ilski


The legal protection of relics of the past is based on numerous regulations of different significance, ranging from international conventions to regional (European) or state regulations. The selection of relics to be under protection is made due to more and more formalized criteria. One may even make an assumption that creating of the catalogue of protected relics is (should be) the best recommendation to visit them. It was as early as in the ancient times when the beauty, uniqueness, architectural artistry, etc. of some sights provoked collecting them in the form of a catalogue. The Hellenistic era quite universally accepted the "seven wonders of the world". The problems discussed in the article suggest the question if school curricula, which aim at the "creation" of the educated man, could skillfully combine literature, music, customs, etc. in the form of compulsory cultural tourism, treating architecture and urban context as adequate scenography - avoiding the demoniac world of dead stones and silent museum show-cases which are very often perceived as altars of some remote era by contemporary tourists.(original abstract)


Cultural heritage, Conservation, Youth education, Legal regulations





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Ilski, K. (2010). Peregrinations of an Educated European. Studia Periegetica, 4, 11–33. Retrieved from

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