Arabskie piśmiennictwo podróżnicze doby klasycznej : krótki przegląd
Zdzisław Pentek
This is a short article about the Arabians travellers and geographical writters from the period between the 8-9th and 16th centuries. The analysis covers mainly informations about the medieval Arabic travel literature and shortly biography Arabians or Persians travellers. The earliest known writters: Tamim ibn Bahr, Sallam at-Tardjuman, as- Sarakhsi and others (al-Masʽudi, Ibn Fadhlan, Ibrahim ibn Ya̔kub). In article present the classical travel description, i. e. the rihla (voyages) from the period 12th-14th centuries, which is considered the period of decline of Arabic literature in general. The rihla is a original Arabic form of literature. The first author of the rihla is Ibn Jubayr (1144-1217) from Grenada in muslim Spain. He travelled to the Mecca in 1183-1885, 1198-1191 and finally in 1217. The second author of the rihla is Ibn Battuta (1304-1368/1377). He was a Moroccan traveller and his journeys covered almost the entirety of the known islamic world (Southern Europe, North and West Africa, Middle East, India, Central Asia, China, Philippines and Indonesia). The editions of Arabic geographical works was printed mainly in Bibliotheca geographorum Arabicorum 1870-1894 (ed. J. L. Brill - Leiden) by Dutch orientalist M. J. De Goeje.(original abstract)
Pentek, Z. (2010). Arabskie piśmiennictwo podróżnicze doby klasycznej : krótki przegląd. Studia Periegetica, 4, 43–52. Retrieved from