Published : 2010-06-30

Visits of the Bohemian Kings in the Late Medieval Wroclaw

Wojciech Nowacki


The mobility of medieval society was not only dependent on trade, pilgrimages and war, but also on political power and its practice. The idea of rulers movement, through the slogan of rex ambulans, was highly linked to his power. For the medieval city a visit of its ruler was certainly a day of celebration. Especially large, powerful cities counted in particular on some immediate political and economic benefits. The higher the significance of the city, like certainly late medieval Wroclaw, the higher were its expectations. In the times of the Luxembourgs, notably John and Charles IV visiting Wroclaw repeatedly, it reached the peak of its power. The ascension of Albert of Habsburg was awaited with hope, after the Hussite wars, but it resulted in a further struggle and disappointment associated with his sudden death. His son, young Ladislaus the Posthumous encountered some mixed feelings, but George of Podebrady, the Hussite king, was certainly awaited with fear. That is why his rival Matthias Corvinus was recognized so solemnly and enthusiastically. But soon after he came to Wroclaw as a military commander defending the city against the Jagiellonian siege and his strict rule soon convinced Wroclaw to finally recognize a member of polish- Lithuanian dynasty as the new ruler of Bohemia. The authorities of Wroclaw considered themselves to be viable political force equal to or higher than the local feudal lords. Visits of their Bohemian rulers were no longer only a celebration, but also an obligation of political partner.(original abstract)


State management, Power elite, Historical research





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Nowacki, W. (2010). Visits of the Bohemian Kings in the Late Medieval Wroclaw. Studia Periegetica, 4, 83–104. Retrieved from

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