Published : 2010-06-30

Tourism Consistent with the Sustainable Development Paradigm and the Healthy Lifestyle

Agata Basińska


The article discusses the essence and significance of the healthy lifestyle as an important component of the tourism consistent with the sustainable development model. The change in the paradigm of science was presented which has found its reflection in, among other things, popularisation of the idea of eco-development. One of the core elements of the sustainability are: to live in harmony with nature and take carre about the quality of the environment now and for future generations. There are many indicators, which have an influance on the human health. One of the most important factors are: the lifestyle and environment (natural and social). The change of lifestyle and leisure habbits for healthy ones, can be the first step to the eco-development. Although, the tourism strongly depands on the quality of natural environment, scarcely the minority of society is aware that the tourism fullfils as well a pro-healthy function as forms the ecollogical consciousness. The sustainable tourism is becoming increasingly important on this area. It's idea is based on the model of sustainable development. According to the definition, it includes all forms of tourism development, management and tourism acitivities that support ecological, social and economic integrity of areas, and preserve their natural and cultural resources. It is concluded that the balanced tourism can be one of the relevant elements of a healthy lifestyle.(original abstract)


Ecotourism, Health, Sustainable development, Eco-development





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Basińska, A. (2010). Tourism Consistent with the Sustainable Development Paradigm and the Healthy Lifestyle. Studia Periegetica, 4, 185–193. Retrieved from

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