Published : 2009-12-30

Logistics in Tourism : Theory and Practice

Andrzej Wartecki


The main aim of this paper is to present the applications of logistics in tourism, pointing to its theoretical and practical dimensions. The theoretical part contains selected definitions of the term 'logistics', the meaning of which remains in a cause and effect relation to the essence of tourism. The practical part discusses the following issues: a systemic approach to logistics in tourist companies, hotel services in the context of logistic processes and the applications of logistics in hotels, model solutions of hotel logistics and the effects of logistics on economic processes and the tour operators' sector. It should also be emphasized that the author, on the basis of a conducted analysis, worked out and presented in this paper, a model of a logistic chain of a tourist company, stressing its practical and universal applications. Subsequent parts of the paper focus on the issues regarding the assumptions underlying the AETR convention and having a significant impact on the safety of coach transportation of people and the possibility of using computer systems to support the business activity of tourist companies, such as: START, the 'alltrim' system and advanced Integrated Computer Systems - CRM. The conclusions concentrate on the special importance of logistics in tourism.(original abstract)


Logistics, Tourism, Theory of logistics





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Wartecki, A. (2009). Logistics in Tourism : Theory and Practice. Studia Periegetica, 3, 31–56. Retrieved from

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