Published : 2009-12-30

Analysis of Touristic's Movement in Years 2003-2005 on Background of Natural Conditions and Cultural Zachodniopomorskie Province

Marek Tabert

Joanna Miś


Province possesses numerous natural favourable values development of tourism in this region. In work natural features were talked over as well as cultural, which causes, that domestic tourists as well as foreign in terrains of this province visit larger number more and more. This of seasides' talented areas concerns to this into natural way, but also considerably distant terrains from coast. In this regions specialized using tourism develops different trumps depression moire, sand and sun. Characteristic of touristics' values of province became recapitulate analysis it presents SWOT, which in form strong and weak sides of this region as well as chances and threats, which appear into him. Introduced in work analysis of numerical relate intensity of touristic's movement in years 2003-2005 it shows, that place has moderated, but solid increase of number of foreign tourists, particularly from directly neighbouring countries. However visits of national tourists keep solid level relatively. It was executed also for studied period of analysis of changes in touristic's infrastructure, in peculiarity in hostel's base as well as gastronomy's. In final part of study unrolling intention touristic infrastructure in perspective to year was talked over 2015, captured in strategy of development of province. Character of plans of developmental choose communes of koszalińskiego administrative district was introduced also, which they based one's sewed on development about possessed natural favourable values tourism.(original abstract)


Regional development, Touristic attractiveness, Analysis of tourist movement, Environmental assessment, Promotion of region value, Tourism infrastructure, SWOT analysis





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Tabert, M., & Miś, J. (2009). Analysis of Touristic’s Movement in Years 2003-2005 on Background of Natural Conditions and Cultural Zachodniopomorskie Province. Studia Periegetica, 3, 93–122. Retrieved from

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