Published : 2021-06-30

Hotel operations during and after the pandemic – a literature review

Grzegorz Gołembski


The article aims to identify the consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic for the ho-tel sector, including losses resulting from hotel closures owing to lockdowns. Since lockdown-related losses have been incurred by hotels all over the world, the literature review focuses on methods of mitigating negative impacts of the pandemic on the hotel industry worldwide. The article highlights the role of innovation in the hotel industry, which largely depends on the inno-vative capabilities of its employees. The author focuses on actions aimed at reducing health risks to personnel and guests and on the importance of corporate social responsibility, i.e. practices and policies intended to have a positive influence on hotel employees, guests and the local com-munity. The literature review reveals that innovative abilities (the ability to create, expand and modify resources) are necessary for the survival of hotels after the pandemic. The main task of hotel managers is to create conditions in which employees can show their potential and take the risk of promoting interesting ideas.


pandemic, accommodation services, innovativeness, virtual reality, corporate social responsibility (CSR)





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Gołembski, G. (2021). Hotel operations during and after the pandemic – a literature review. Studia Periegetica, 34(2), 83–101.

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