Published : 2021-06-30

Agritourism farms in the light of opinions posted on TripAdvisor – determinants of farms’ evaluation

Anna Bannach


The article aims to identify characteristics of agritourism farms that affect the way they are rated on TripAdvisor. The study is based on 896 opinions concerning 57 agritourism farms from all over Poland. The collected data were subjected to qualitative content analysis and were also investigated in quantitative terms by means of text mining. The most common words iden-tified in user reviews include “place”, “recommend”, “rooms”, “owner”, “breakfast” and “atmos-phere”. The number of words and their frequency were found to vary depending on user ratings. Four- and five-star opinions contained by far the most words. It was also found that tourists trav-elling with children highly appreciate agritourism farms that offer several additional services and that cleanliness is an important feature that determines how agritourism farms are evaluated. The location and the level of service also affect farm ratings on TripAdvisor. It can therefore be con-cluded that the key features determining how agritourism farms are evaluated include: cleanliness and tidiness, the atmosphere on the farm, but also owners’ kindness and hospitality. Another im-portant factor is the ratio of the quality of services offered to the price charged for these services.


agritourism, rural tourism, eWOM, text mining





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Bannach, A. (2021). Agritourism farms in the light of opinions posted on TripAdvisor – determinants of farms’ evaluation. Studia Periegetica, 34(2), 103–120.

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