Published : 2021-09-30

Intangible cultural heritage as a resource for cultural tourism: the case of embroidery and carpet weaving in Ukraine

Olena Beznosiuk

Olha Liubitseva

Sergiy Popovych


The purpose of the article is to present intangible cultural heritage as a resource for a special category of cultural and educational tourism, namely heritage tourism. The authors use embroidery and carpet weaving as examples of intangible cultural heritage. The methods used in the study include a review of foreign and domestic theoretical and methodological developments, analysis of best practices in the field of heritage tourism, field research, analysis of materials collected during a survey of locations and the authors’ personal experience of tourist products. The results of the study outline the development of heritage tourism based on a creative approach as well as strategic plans of the state regarding tourism development. Based on practical experience, the authors present general principles of designing tourist routes, where elements of intangible cultural heritage act as “magnets”. The analysis has indicated elements of intangible cultural heritage that can appeal to tourists under particular circumstances. The authors argue that the development of heritage tourism based on a creative approach to designing tourist products in the form of intangible cultural heritage should popularize it in the national tourism market and promote tourism destinations with intangible cultural heritage, such as embroidery and carpet weaving. These tourist destinations should be used not only to attract domestic and foreign tourists, but also to promote the Ukrainian culture.


heritage tourism, intangible heritage, cultural route, tourist attractions, tourist destination





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Beznosiuk, O., Liubitseva, O., & Popovych, S. (2021). Intangible cultural heritage as a resource for cultural tourism: the case of embroidery and carpet weaving in Ukraine. Studia Periegetica, 35(3), 153–170.

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