Published : 2021-12-30

The Nowa Huta Underground project. Cold War shelters and heritage interpretation

Agata Klimek-Zdeb


The aim of the Nowa Huta Underground project is to provide access to several Cold War shelters in Nowa Huta for exhibition purposes. The article aims to analyse how heritage in-terpretation methods are used in the project to facilitate exhibition and education. Through desk research and participation in the project the author was able to collect information about the project’s history, its main goals, scenarios, implementation, accompanying activities and about the history of air-raid shelters in Poland and in Nowa Huta. The first shelter (the first stage of the project) was opened to visitors on February 28, 2019, featuring an exhibition entitled “State ofEmergency”. It is accompanied by educational events, such as tours, museum lessons, walks and workshops. There are plans to organize further exhibitions and develop new educational tasks. The issues addressed in the article show that the assumptions and goals of the project and the way it has been implemented are firmly rooted in the theory of heritage interpretation, and the Nowa Huta Underground is a proposal with great potential.





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Klimek-Zdeb, A. (2021). The Nowa Huta Underground project. Cold War shelters and heritage interpretation. Studia Periegetica, 36(4), 29–47.

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