Published : 2021-12-30

More or less? A conjunctural analysis of differing views on the development of cruise tourism

Marije Eileen Poort

Ulrika Persson-Fischier

Helene Martinsson-Wallin

Fiona Gansauer

Cristina Demuro

Amy Van der Zee

Evelina Elf Donaldson

Shuangqi Liu


This article is based on a qualitative study regarding two World Heritage Island destinations, Gotland in the Baltic Sea and Rapa Nui in the Pacific Ocean. The two islands are used as cases illustrating different views on the development of cruise tourism. By applying conjunctural analysis the authors are able to account for the broader context of cruise tourism. Different perspectives on cruise tourism are found to be embedded in both local and global contexts, which are associated with three kinds of challenges: cruise tourism is developing without the local community’s involvement in decision making, it is not aligned with the aims of local tourism and ignores local products and services. We therefore call for more involvement of the local community in the development of cruise tourism.


cruise tourism, sustainability, conjunctures, Gotland, Rapa Nui





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Poort, M. E., Persson-Fischier, U., Martinsson-Wallin, H., Gansauer, F., Demuro, C., Van der Zee, A., Elf Donaldson, E., & Liu, S. (2021). More or less? A conjunctural analysis of differing views on the development of cruise tourism. Studia Periegetica, 36(4), 49–70.

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