Published : 2021-12-30

The functioning of tourism entities in Poland during the pandemic – the case of Dolny Śląsk and Małopolska

Izabela Gruszka

Iryna Manczak


Tourism is one of economic sectors most affected by the crisis resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic. The aim of the article is to analyse the functioning of tourism entities in Lower Silesia (Dolny Śląsk) and Lesser Poland (Małopolska) during the pandemic and to ex-amine how representatives of the tourism sector assess the role of the state in counteracting the effects of the pandemic in tourism. The article is based on qualitative data collected from tour-ism industry experts from Lower Silesia and Lesser Poland during focus group interviews and individual in-depth interviews. The respondents were found to be rather critical of the state’s measures to combat the effects of the crisis, claiming that aid offered by the state was insufficient in relation to reported needs. It was difficult for some tourism entities to receive support, while others did not get any because of their legal status or type of activity. In addition, the respon-dents negatively assessed ways and the speed of providing information regarding the introduc-tion of pandemic restrictions. All tourism enterprises selected for the study and entitled to public aid used the financial assistance made available as part of government programmes (anti-crisis shields) and provided by Provincial Labour Offices, the Social Insurance Institution or the Polish Development Fund, as well as regional funds (maintained by offices of province governors and city halls). The public aid was mainly used to subsidize employees’ salaries. As could be expected, the topics discussed during the interviews aroused strong emotions in the respondents, which were reflected in their opinions.





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Gruszka, I., & Manczak, I. (2021). The functioning of tourism entities in Poland during the pandemic – the case of Dolny Śląsk and Małopolska. Studia Periegetica, 36(4), 71–89.

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