Published : 2021-12-30

The impact of legal and administrative barriers on the development of tourism during the pandemic

Sylwia Solarska


The development of tourism depends on many different processes and conditions. It is a complex issue as it involves tourists and the tourism market. In other words, it should be analysed by accounting for possibilities and limitations, which are often associated with the or-ganization of tourism and its proper management. The processes reflect a number of overlapping dependencies, especially legal and administrative ones, at the local, regional or even international level. The development of tourism, especially in during the pandemic, attracts a lot of attention, among other things, as a result of the multitude of problems and the dynamic nature of changes that are taking place. It seems that the future of the industry is connected the experience econ-omy, where tourism should be flexible, ecological, multilaterally integrated, diverse and socially responsible. The implementation of this model is not easy and requires that the needs of target consumers are continuously monitored, which poses a considerable challenge during the pan-demic. The article summarises a research project regarding the impact of the pandemic on the development of tourism based on assessments of entrepreneurs from the SME sector of the tour-ism industry. Using these data the author tries to determine whether stakeholders of the tourism industry can and are willing to cooperate and what needs to be done in order to eliminate existing barriers, especially legal and administrative ones.


barriers to the development of tourism, tourism industry, COVID-19 pandemic





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Solarska, S. (2021). The impact of legal and administrative barriers on the development of tourism during the pandemic. Studia Periegetica, 36(4), 91–106.

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