Published : 2023-03-21

Homo viator digitalis: the man of the virtual tourist experience


The aim of the work is an attempt to synthesize three socio-cultural models of man, namely: homo viator, homo videns and homo digitalis in the context of digital transformations of social life and tourist experience.  The work is a theoretical analysis of literature sources.  The conducted analysis allows to conclude that the progressive digitization and virtualization of both individual and social life of modern man comprehensively expresses and reconstructs many phenomena of social life, including those related to tourist activity, present and already rooted in culture. An important place in the creation of social mediation is played by visual culture, as the basic carrier of both information and social relations in the digital human environment.  The tourist experience, like other types of experiences in human life, becomes an experience taking place in a mixed, real-virtual reality (environment). The distinction between the real and the virtual environment is no longer possible or even relevant. They form an integral whole, implemented in a functionally separated cyberspace of tourist experience.  The main conclusions are therefore that the tourist experience takes on the character of a virtualized experience, implemented in the tourist cyberspace, which is the modern equivalent of Boorstin's tourist bubble. Within this space, which is a real-virtual continuum, there is a digital man-pilgrim, homo viator digitalis.


homo viator, homo videns, homo digitalis, virtual reality, mixed reality





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Bajon, P. (2023). Homo viator digitalis: the man of the virtual tourist experience. Studia Periegetica, 42(2), 93–118.

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