Published : 2023-01-24

The use of hiking trails to access geosites in selected parts of the Sudeten Mountains over the past 50 years


Geotourism assets have not always been properly appreciated by tourism organisers. In the past, designers of tourist trails often prioritised castles, churches or viewpoints, without paying much attention to geosites, with the exception of spectacular rock formations (e.g. in the Karkonosze, Rudawy Janowickie or the Table Mountains). As a result, many places that are of interest as part of geoheritage were known only to a narrow group of enthusiasts (especially those interested in relics of mining history). Only recently, thanks to the growing network of trails, have many geosites become more accessible, which coincided with the growing popularity of geotourism itself. The aim of the article is to track changes in the accessibility of geosites in selected ranges of the Sudeten Mountains (Sowie, Bystrzyckie, Orlickie and Suche Mountains) along with the expansion of the hiking trail network. The author highlights the related development of educational tools used for communicating information about Earth sciences. Changes in trail layouts were analysed using methods derived from graph theory, while accessibility of geoheritage through these trails was determined by comparing maps and tourist guides from various periods as well as field studies. Based on this information, the author was able to determine to what extent the trails featured the selected geotourism assets. The most positive changes regarding access to geoheritage through hiking trails can be found in the Sowie, Bystrzyckie and Orlickie Mountains, while no major improvements in this respect were identified in the Suche Mountains. Marked trails increasingly feature geosites of anthropogenic origin, such as remains of mines and quarries. Despite a significant improvement in the accessibility of geoheritage in the Sudeten Mountains, many geotourism assets are still outside the existing network of tourist trails, so there is potential for further development in this regard.


geosites, geoheritage, hiking trails, Sudeten Mountains





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Kołodziejczyk, K. (2023). The use of hiking trails to access geosites in selected parts of the Sudeten Mountains over the past 50 years. Studia Periegetica, 40(4), 7–33.

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