Published : 2023-01-24

A proposal of an ethically responsible tourism system


Relations between providers of tourism services and their customers are governed not only by certain laws but also by ethical standards. The aim of the article is to propose a systemic approach to tourism focused on ethical values and norms, and to justify why they should be applied in tourism activities. The presentation is based on a review of the literature and ethical codes. An ethically responsible tourism system should include three basic parts concerning ethical conditions for creating a tourism product, ethical behaviours of tourism companies and tourists, and the effects of relations between them. The authors argue that the implementation of the proposed system in the tourism economy may contribute to minimizing the negative impacts of tourism on the natural and social environment and increase the material and non-material benefits of tourism.


tourism, ethics, ethical responsibility, project

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Sikora, J., Kaczocha, W., & Wartecka-Ważyńska , A. (2023). A proposal of an ethically responsible tourism system. Studia Periegetica, 40(4), 55–70.

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