Published : 2023-01-24

An assessment of the availability of green spaces for inhabitants of Poznań – a comparison between 1940 and 2012


Green spaces in Poznań form a wedge-ring system, in which the wedges are located along the Warta river Warta and its two tributaries: Bogdanka and Cybina, while the rings are run along the remains of the medieval city walls and the fortification system. This system was designed at the beginning of the 20th century. Since then, the administrative area of the city has expanded, causing many of the existing open areas such as meadows, fields, wastelands to be used for development. Nonetheless, the green space system is still visible. The aim of the study was to compare the city’s urban green spaces in 1940 (when the unique wedge-ring system was created) with those existing in 2012 (when Poznań was undergoing dynamic spatial changes). Changes that occurred between the reference years were assessed using a model created with the help of ArcGIS analysis. The study also includes an analysis of contiguous urban green spaces that existed in 2012, indicating those with the greatest spatial continuity.


zieleń miejska, analiza dostępności zieleni urządzonej, analiza ArcGIS, ciągłość przestrzenna miasta





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Dudzińska , A., & Szpakowska, B. (2023). An assessment of the availability of green spaces for inhabitants of Poznań – a comparison between 1940 and 2012. Studia Periegetica, 39(3), 57–72. Retrieved from

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