Published : 2023-01-24

Tourism in the provinces of Podlaskie and Podkarpackie: brand image building campaigns in social media in the context of crisis situations


Territorial marketing and brand image building are among the issues explored in tourism research. Because brand image can be affected by crises situations, appropriate crisis management and measures taken to protect brand image are important considerations in such cases. This is particularly relevant given the growing popularity of social media, which change how a brand image is created and how opinions about tourist destinations can be studied. The aim of the study described in the article is to answer two research questions: 1. What elements of tourism offering and which tourist attractions are featured in image building campaigns? 2. How do crisis situations affect the way image building activities are conducted in the area of tourism? The study involves the use of content analysis, desk research and data collected during in-depth interviews. Both provinces were selected, among other things, because of negative image problems these regions have been struggling with. Promotional activities undertaken in both provinces were found to mainly focus on highlighting the wealth of natural resources and on tourists’ individual experiences, although the approaches adopted by each province differed. Moreover, in times of crisis, social media are used for disseminating most up-to-date information. The insights gained from the study can be relevant for further image building activities undertaken at the province level and by individual entities from the tourism industry.


crisis', social media, image, promotion, tourism, provinces





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Sawczuk, M. (2023). Tourism in the provinces of Podlaskie and Podkarpackie: brand image building campaigns in social media in the context of crisis situations. Studia Periegetica, 39(3), 95–120. Retrieved from

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