Published : 2023-02-12 — Updated on 2023-02-13

An assessment of museums’ capacity to use social media

Elżbieta Nawrocka

Julita Zaprucka


In order to fulfill their social mission set out in the new definition adopted by the General Assembly of the International Council of Museums (ICOM), museums must adapt to the changes that are taking place in society, which requires, among other things, being able to make
effective use of communication channels such as social media. The purpose of the article is to assess museums’ capacity to use social media in their activities. The assessment is based on opinions collected during in-depth interviews conducted with directors of four museums operating in the Dolnośląskie province. When asked to evaluate four main factors that determine a museum’s
capacity of using social media, the majority of respondents gave the highest scores to technical resources; human and organizational resources were assessed much less positively; the lowest scores were obtained in response to questions about money to finance social media presence,
which was missing in the budgets of the museums analysed in the study.


resources, museum, social media





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Nawrocka, E., & Zaprucka, J. (2023). An assessment of museums’ capacity to use social media. Studia Periegetica, 40(4), 129–147.

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