Published : 2023-02-02

The gap between expectations of hospitality graduates and hotel managers after the pandemic


The purpose of this study was to examine graduates’ expectations and assess their preparedness for a career in the hospitality industry by identifying how well curricula at various hospitality educational institutions are aligned with expectations of the hospitality industry. The study is based two kinds of data: quantitative data collected in an online survey involving
48 third- and fourth-year university students; and qualitative from semi-structured interviews with five hospitality industry managers, each representing a different hotel group in South Africa. Each of these groups regularly accepts students for work-integrated learning (WIL). Hotel managers were asked to describe their expectations, especially following COVID-19, and to identify
strategies that could help to close the gap between expectations of graduates and those of the industry. This is important because unrealistic expectations can have a negative effect on students’ enthusiasm for a career in hospitality. Industry managers emphasised that students need to gain work experience before and during their studies to make sure their expectations were realistic. It is also necessary to adapt curricula so that graduates are better prepared for the realities of the
hospital industry.


students’ expectations, industry expectations, hospitality graduates, students’ preparedness, hospitality industry





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Hewitt, K., & Joao, E. S. (2023). The gap between expectations of hospitality graduates and hotel managers after the pandemic. Studia Periegetica, 40(4), 149–168.

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