Published : 2020-06-30

The Impact of Climate Change on Tourism in Australia - a Case Study Relating to Bushfires in Australia in 2019/2020

Małgorzata Kurleto


The main purpose of the study is to offer a preliminary analysis of the impact of Australian bush fires on tourism in the summer season of 2019/2020. The article addresses issues related to global climate change, including Australia. The author discusses the causes and effects of recent catastrophic fires in Australia, focusing on their negative impacts for tourism. Another problem raised in the article is how climate change in Australia causes bushfires that destroy the nature and life of this country. The study mainly analyses the effects of climate change on the natural environment, especially on the most attractive tourist areas in Australia, i.e. national parks. The study uses the latest information to show the effects of damage caused by fires in Australia, especially in tourism. The author concludes that there is a direct relationship between climate change resulting from global warming and tourism demand. (original abstract)


Tourism, Global warming, Climate change, Natural disaster, Analysis of tourist movement





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Kurleto, M. (2020). The Impact of Climate Change on Tourism in Australia - a Case Study Relating to Bushfires in Australia in 2019/2020. Studia Periegetica, 30(2), 97–107.

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