Published : 2020-03-30

A Comparison of the Tourism Sector in Poland and the Czech Republic

Beata Będzik

Sylwia Gołąb


The aim of the article is to assess the condition of the tourism sector in Poland and in the Czech Republic. Statistical data from various institutions operating in the area of travel and tourism were compared. These statistics were supplemented with data contained in industry reports. In addition, official tourism statistics from both countries were also used. The analysis shows that the Polish tourism industry does not fully use the its potential for development and performs worse than Western European countries. The Czech Republic, despite a smaller popula-tion, has a higher indicator of infrastructural equipment, which, given the country's geographical location, is the key determinant of the development potential of the tourism sector. The Polish tourism industry needs to continue investing in its infrastructure, which, given the country's geo-graphical location and conditions for tourism, is one of the key factors that affect tourism and drive its development. Online promotion and advertising should also be intensified in order to reach potential tourists and show them the full range of tourism services. Poland and the Czech Republic are not generally perceived as very popular tourist destinations, so people's awareness of their attractiveness for tourism must be raised. The Internet is a particularly well-suited tool for this purpose, as it can, at a relatively low cost, show that countries like Poland and the Czech Republic can also provide services that satisfy the needs of various tourists. (original abstract)


Tourism, Gross domestic product (GDP), Tourism infrastructure





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Będzik, B., & Gołąb, S. (2020). A Comparison of the Tourism Sector in Poland and the Czech Republic. Studia Periegetica, 29(1), 73–86.

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