Published : 2019-12-30

Current Issues of Cross-border Tourism Management - Bibliometric Analysis of Research Directions

Sviatlana Sialverstava

Andrei Hanchar

Mikołaj Jalinik


The aim of the article is to identify research areas that are relevant from the perspective of management in the field of cross-border tourism. The analysis is based on bibliometric information included in the Web of Science and Scopus database. The main task of the analysis is to identify current problems in the field of cross-border tourism management, taking into account regional characteristics as well as forms and content of tourism services. The authors use bibliometric analysis supported by the VOSviewer software. In addition, the case study method is used to identify the most common features and tendencies in the study of cross-border tourism management. A review of the literature in the field shows that the management of tourism services in border regions is currently a new branch of management sciences, which has seen a dynamic growth as evidenced by the number of studies published since the middle of the first decade of the 21st century. Most of them analyse problems of cross-border tourism management in Europe, in the border regions of Germany, the Czech Republic, Spain and Portugal. The objectives of cross-border tourism management in this region are the background for sustainable development, harmonization of relationships at the regional level, concern for the state of the environment. One of the urgent problems is the management of health-related or medical cross-border tourism. A number of issues require more in-depth research, such as the management of transnational tourism services and products at the borders of the EU; European and world trends in the development of the tourism services market in the border regions; and the impact of cross-border tourism on local communities. The article's contribution consists in providing a list of current problems in the study of cross-border tourism management and identifying research gaps in this field. (original abstract)


Bibliometric analysis, Tourism services, Cross border services, Tourism management, Border areas, Case study

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Sialverstava, S., Hanchar, A., & Jalinik, M. (2019). Current Issues of Cross-border Tourism Management - Bibliometric Analysis of Research Directions. Studia Periegetica, 28(4), 73–85.

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