Published : 2023-08-31

Tourism and recreation in protected areas: An exploration of Community Based Tourism and local participation in Zimbabwe


Community-Based Tourism (CBT) is a growing niche in tourism across the world. Protected areas and conservancies in Zimbabwe have resulted in some local communities having negative attitudes towards conservation efforts and the enforcement of conservation-related regulations resulting in conflicts. This paper explores the role and value of CBT in tourism and recreation in protected areas in Zimbabwe in terms of the local participation of communities. This study sought to understand the management system and the perceptions of different stakeholders on community conservancies in Zimbabwe. Consequently, a qualitative methodology using a case study approach was used, using in-depth interviews with key informants. This paper brought insights into the current management system of CBTEs and the perceived challenges of the management system. There is over-dependence on private safari operators, which is affecting the growth and further development of CBTEs. CBT initiatives are for the community and should be managed and run by the communities.


community-based tourism; protected areas; conservation; sustainable development; local community involvement





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Warinda, P., & van der Merwe, C. D. (2023). Tourism and recreation in protected areas: An exploration of Community Based Tourism and local participation in Zimbabwe. Studia Periegetica, 43(3), 65–86.

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