Published : 2019-09-30

Crises in the Functioning of Urban Tourism Destinations

Aleksander Panasiuk


Cities are among the most common tourist destinations as they are not only interesting in their own right but also, to a large extent, determine the transit tourist traffic. The article addresses issues related to crisis phenomena in urban tourism destinations. Crisis phenomena are classified into exogenous, endogenous and mixed. Special emphasis is placed on endogenous phenomena, which result from intensive tourist traffic in cities, i.e. overtourism and the environmental impact on urban spaces, particularly regarding air quality. The purpose of the article is to present critical threats to the contemporary tourist market in the functioning of urban tourist destinations. The theoretical study is supplemented by results of a pilot survey of potential tourists concerning the role of information on air pollution when making decisions about tourism trips to cities. The study has a diagnostic and conceptual motivation. The following methods were used: review of the literature, logical operations, quantitative methods, heuristic methods. The results can be used to inform tourism policy in cities with well developed tourism. (original abstract)


City, Tourism, Crisis situations, Tourist movement, Endogenous factors, Exogenous factors





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Panasiuk, A. (2019). Crises in the Functioning of Urban Tourism Destinations. Studia Periegetica, 27(3), 13–25.

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