Published : 2019-09-30

Tourist-recreational Regionalization of the Lviv Agglomeration

Yuriy Zinko

Marta Malska

Tetyana Bila

Volodymyr Bilanyuk

Yuriy Andreychuk

Iryna Kriba


The article describes the methodology and methods of examining the tourist-recreational activity in urban agglomerations, also in the territorial dimension. The authors present maps showing the regional development of the tourist and recreational economy of the Lviv agglomeration taking into account its functional zones. They also provide a justification for selecting existent and prospective tourist-recreational complexes and places of interests (tourist localities) situated within the functional zones of the agglomeration - urban, suburban and peripheral ones. A number of possible tourist activities and services (products) are proposed for functional zones and selected places of interest. The authors argue that tourist-recreational regionalization must be taken into account when implementing administrative-territorial reforms in the Lviv agglomeration. In particular, it is important to create a standard set of spatial units and develop criteria for selecting them that account for the development of urban and suburban tourism in these areas. (original abstract)


Tourism, Recreation, Tourism infrastructure, Tourist region, Tourism development strategy





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Zinko, Y., Malska, M., Bila, T., Bilanyuk, V., Andreychuk, Y., & Kriba, I. (2019). Tourist-recreational Regionalization of the Lviv Agglomeration. Studia Periegetica, 27(3), 171–188.

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