Published : 2019-06-30

The Elderly as Participants of the Market of Selected E-services

Anna Dąbrowska

Mirosława Janoś-Kresło

Adrian Lubowiecki-Vikuk


Over the last decades, a trend of population aging has been observed in Poland and across the world. It is a result of extended lifespan, increased quality of life and higher standards of health care. The gradually growing group of the elderly in Poland results in a steadily increasing significance of this consumer market. Services, in particular e-services, may play a pivotal role in the life of the elderly, helping them to better function in the society and satisfy their basic and higher needs. As a results, the group of consumers in question must move from traditional solutions to modern technologies e-services are based on. The objective of the study is to identify the behavior of the elderly (over 60 years old) in the Polish market of e-services. The study is based on secondary resource analysis, questionnaires and the CAWI method. The sample was randomly selected from the panel of users (n = 508). The results of the authors' own study suggest that the commonly used services are e-trading and e-banking, meant satisfy daily needs more easily. The indicated benefits were, e.g., comfort, saved time and money, easier access to services. (original abstract)


e-services, Elderly people, Consumption





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Dąbrowska, A., Janoś-Kresło, M., & Lubowiecki-Vikuk, A. (2019). The Elderly as Participants of the Market of Selected E-services. Studia Periegetica, 26(2), 13–24.

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