Published : 2019-03-30

Economic Cooperation between Republic of China and Republic of Belarus in the Context of Implementing the One Belt, One Road Foreign Economic Strategy

Galina Gavrilko

Dariya A. Dashkevich

Qi Peiyu


This article provides insight into the dynamics and commodity pattern of the Chinese- Belarusian bilateral trade, the current state and prospects for the investment, scientific and technological cooperation between the two countries for the purpose of implementing the One Belt, One Road foreign economic strategy. With the advancement and financial support of the project, the Chinese-Russian bilateral balance of economic relations will be shifting in favor of China. Russia will act as a "subordinate partner"; its global economic and financial interests in the global economy and in the post-Soviet space will be represented less than those of China. (original abstract)


Business strategy, Foreign trade, Economic cooperation, International cooperation, International investment, Direct investments, Technology transfer (TT)





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Gavrilko, G., Dashkevich, D. A., & Peiyu, Q. (2019). Economic Cooperation between Republic of China and Republic of Belarus in the Context of Implementing the One Belt, One Road Foreign Economic Strategy. Studia Periegetica, 25(1), 11–26.

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