Published : 2019-03-30

An Environmental Friendly Solution for Stimulating Protective Properties of the Soil

Yelizaveta Chernysh


The development of soil management at the local and regional level is faced with challenges associated with an increasing level of soil contamination in urbanized systems. Thus, intensive soil use in Ukraine in recent years has resulted in a significant loss of humus, which is accompanied by negative changes in agrophysical, physico-chemical and biological properties of the soil. The aim of the study was to model a stimulating process of natural protective properties of the soil complex thanks to the influence of biocomposite based on sewage sludge and phosphogypsum under conditions of sulfate reduction. The chemical fractions were extracted from contaminated soil before and after the treatment. Surface images of the treated soil were obtained by means of X-ray diffractometry and microscopic analysis. The mineral composition of soil samples after processing by biocomposite was also mapped. Finally, the technological concept of a two-stage process of soil remediation was proposed involving the stage of aerobic soil treatment with biocomposite and the phyto-remediation stage for additional treatment. (original abstract)


Soil science, Soil contamination, Heavy metals





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Chernysh, Y. (2019). An Environmental Friendly Solution for Stimulating Protective Properties of the Soil. Studia Periegetica, 25(1), 95–107.

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