Published : 2018-12-30

A Multilevel Universal Model of the Rural Tourism Cluster: Implementation at the Local Level

Yurii Zinko

Marta Malska

Iryna Kriba


In order to scientifically support the process of forming rural tourism clusters in Ukraine it is important to develop both universal and end-use applied models relating to clusters of the type "the village rest" as well as rural tourism type. They are classified as follows: by the aim - as conceptual and applied ones, by structural peculiarities - as structural (institutional), structural-functional and factor (determinant). A multilevel universal model of the rural tourism cluster with basic structural levels: base, partner and accompanying ones is offered for research and practice. This model was approbated for two cluster initiatives in the Carpathian (a cluster of rural tourism "Boykivski Gazdy") and Nadsiannia (a cluster Goat farm of "Fromages of d'Elise") regions. Possibilities to use different types of research models in order to introduce cluster initiatives of the rural tourism in Ukraine on the regional and local levels are investigated. (original abstract)


Rural tourism, Business cluster

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Zinko, Y., Malska, M., & Kriba, I. (2018). A Multilevel Universal Model of the Rural Tourism Cluster: Implementation at the Local Level. Studia Periegetica, 24(4), 11–24.

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