Published : 2018-12-30

Main Destinations for One Day Leisure Trips in the Area of Poznań Metropolis

Maria Zamelska

Beata Kaczor


The main objective of this paper is to identify chief areas and forms of one day leisure activity performed by Poznań Metropolis' residents. A hypothesis was assumed that the dominant area of tourist holiday activity of interviewees is the Warta River Valley and its main creeks, and the most common form of activity is qualified tourism, nature-based tourism, physical recreation, relax and rest. Method used for hypothesis verification was a diagnostic survey, with a questionnaire interview. Research was conducted in the years 2015 and 2016, on about 1600 residents of the metropolis. The article has a research character and is about preferences in the area of using tourist holiday spaces of Poznań Metropolis. Practical implication of the article is to point out a level of activity in specific tourist holiday areas within the research scope, in order to classify these areas. Results confirmed both assumed theses. Main directions of one day recreation excursions are the Warta Valley and the valleys of rivers Główna and Cybina (especially near the Malta Lake). Preferred forms of tourist recreation are qualified tourism, nature, relaxation and physical recreation. (original abstract)


Metropolitan area, Tourism, Recreational values ​​of the environment, Organization of leisure time





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Zamelska, M., & Kaczor, B. (2018). Main Destinations for One Day Leisure Trips in the Area of Poznań Metropolis. Studia Periegetica, 24(4), 77–91.

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