Published : 2018-06-30

Tourism in the Light of Regional Strategic Documents the Province of Wielkopolska

Krzysztof Kasprzak


The Tourism Development Strategy of Wielkopolska Province for 2020 year has a prosocial orientation and is geared towards the development of Wielkopolska, increasing the attractiveness of its tourism, and thus improving the quality of life of its inhabitants and increasing the quality of services. The implementation of the provisions included in this document will have a positive impact on the protection of the natural and cultural environment and the landscape. The document indicates directions of changes which can be expected as a result of implementing the Strategy and proposes ways to minimize and compensate for the negative impacts associated with the implementation of the strategy. The directions of intervention outlined in this document, which were assessed as environmentally sound in their individual components, should be treated as comprehensive measures of preventing or reducing risks and negative environmental impacts. On the other hand, the promotion of investment plans concerning the leisure infrastructure and the accompanying transportation and technical infrastructure were assessed as either hardly beneficial or even unfavorable to the environment. An improvement of the natural environment is an important prerequisite of the development of various forms of tourism. The unfavorable state of the environment is often a barrier to the tourist use of a given asset. The Tourism Development Strategy is not a scientific document and is accessible to anyone interested, which is its great advantage. (original abstract)


Regional development strategy, Natural environment, Spatial planning, Touristic attractiveness





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Kasprzak, K. (2018). Tourism in the Light of Regional Strategic Documents the Province of Wielkopolska. Studia Periegetica, 22(2), 33–48.

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