Published : 2018-06-30

Tourist and Recreational Reclamation of the Municipal Forests of Szczecin

Jarosław Słowiak


The municipal forests of Szczecin are among the most extensive areas of this kind in Poland. Altogether they cover an area of 2780 ha. A significant part of this forest area is characterised by very attractive landscape features is easily accessible from the centre of the city. Now that active recreation is a popular form of leisure, inhabitants of Szczecin frequently visit the surrounding forests. It is therefore necessary to identify the resources and assess the state of the tourism and recreation infrastructure. The article presents the current state of tourist and recreational reclamation of the municipal forests of Szczecin and detailed results of an inventory of the existing infrastructure held in 2017; the author analyses the strengths and weaknesses and recommends directions for possible changes. The findings indicate the infrastructure is unevenly distributed and concentrated in just a few forest areas and is inadequately suited to meet the current needs of Szczecin residents. (original abstract)


Tourism, Recreation, Forests, Tourism infrastructure, Green Infrastructure





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Słowiak, J. (2018). Tourist and Recreational Reclamation of the Municipal Forests of Szczecin. Studia Periegetica, 22(2), 49–63.

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