Published : 2011-08-30

Financial Risk Management during the Financial Markets Downturn

Krystyna Barczyk


The downturn in the financial markets which burst in the US financial sector in 2008 and spread rapidly to European countries causing many companies worldwide - particularly those highly exposed to derivative, debt and capital instruments - to suffer from dramatic fluctuations in the pricing of those instruments. Changes in the value of their financial assets have adversely affected their financial performance and financial liquidity setting them, in extreme cases, on a path toward bankruptcy. Therefore, the question arises whether, in the future, hedging will continue to perform its role as a valid approach to financial risk management. The paper addresses the impact made on the financial performance of companies by business transactions whose ultimate outcome is conditional on market factors, and discusses the different protections that companies can use to shield their earnings against excessive volatility.(original abstract)


Financial risk, Hedging, Financial markets, Risk management





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Barczyk, K. (2011). Financial Risk Management during the Financial Markets Downturn. Zeszyty Naukowe Wyższej Szkoły Bankowej W Poznaniu, 35. Retrieved from

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