Data publikacji : 2024-01-20

Innovations in the Business Processes Management as a Significant Component of the Rapid Recovery of the Industry of Ukraine

Anna Kernytska


The article provides a comparative analysis of the paradigms of classical management theory and that corresponding to modern reality. Particular attention is paid to
the features of rapid growth in large organizations using the example of the transition to
digitalization as a growth strategy. The main stages of the digital transition are identified,
as well as three main techniques for an enterprise or organization to overcome crises
and adapt to rapid changes, such as business model innovation, strategy innovation, and
management innovation. The necessity of managing business processes (a part of management innovations) as a reaction to inevitable changes in internal communication, the
evolution of the company’s strategy and culture, chaos, and adaptation to constant changes in emphasis and priorities is substantiated. The influence of the war in Ukraine as a strong factor of uncertainty on the industrial sector of the economy of the regions of Ukraine isanalyzed. Based on the analysis of the experience of digital transformations of the world’s giant companies, an attempt was made to highlight the key points of such transformations in Ukraine. The need for state support for developing innovations and digital transformation of the Ukrainian industry was emphasized.
Keywords: management, innovation, digitalization, innovation in management, rapid





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Zasady cytowania

Kernytska, A. (2024). Innovations in the Business Processes Management as a Significant Component of the Rapid Recovery of the Industry of Ukraine. Zeszyty Naukowe Wyższej Szkoły Bankowej W Poznaniu, 100(1).

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