Data publikacji : 2018-02-27

Auswirkungen des betrieblichen Rechnungswesens auf ökonomische Gleichgewichte

Hermann Witte


The state of economic equilibrium in different business settings can be achieved, if a simple rule to calculate equilibrium is given and some basics of accounting are changed. First, it is better to use the term enterprise accounting. Enterprise accounting should consist of two elements: internal and external enterprise accounting. Internal accounting should comprise three areas: manufacturing accounting, business accounting and leadership accounting. Thus, different areas of accounting correspond to different parts of an enterprise. Second, it is necessary to find a good definition of cost. Such a definition already exists in economics. The only problem is the classification of non- manufacturing, non-periodical and extraordinary costs as neutral expenditures. These costs should also be qualified as costs, which have to be included in cost and performance accounting. Third, it is important to find an equivalent solution to calculate the company's revenue for all kinds of enterprises. Fourth, a method has to be found which ensures a precise calculation of overhead costs. Fifth, internal and external accounting has to be integrated, because the calculation of economic equilibrium is not possible with different evaluation rules. And last but not least, accounting has to be transformed into "lean accounting". Otherwise, small businesses will have problems to calculate the economic equilibrium in different settings.(original abstract)

Słowa kluczowe:

Równowaga gospodarcza, Rachunkowość w przedsiębiorstwie, Rachunek kosztów i wyników





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Zasady cytowania

Witte, H. (2018). Auswirkungen des betrieblichen Rechnungswesens auf ökonomische Gleichgewichte. Zeszyty Naukowe Wyższej Szkoły Bankowej W Poznaniu, 78(1). Pobrano z

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