Published : 2024-09-05

Organisation of Individual Cultural Tourism in the Twin-City of Słubice-Frankfurt (Oder): The Case of the Kleist Trail


The article offers an assessment of the potential and prospects of cross-border cultural products by analyzing a biographical-literary route in Frankfurt (Oder) and Słubice. The author discusses the heritage resources that make up the trail and its structure, as well as the level and forms of involvement of local stakeholders. In addition to desk research, the tourism potential of the twin-city, including its attractions and anthropogenic resources, was assessed using an audit questionnaire and a site visit accompanied by field data collection. The level of management participation and priorities of the trail stakeholders were established during standardized interviews. The findings reveal the strengths and weaknesses of the trail and an urgent need for its adjustment. Consequently, a modified product formula has been proposed, including recommendations for its future development.


cultural tourism, cross-border tourism, cultural routes, individual tourism, borderland heritage





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Rohrscheidt, A. M. v., & Gandecka, A. (2024). Organisation of Individual Cultural Tourism in the Twin-City of Słubice-Frankfurt (Oder): The Case of the Kleist Trail. Studia Periegetica, 45(1), 45–69.

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