Published : 2014-06-30

Natural Hazards for Tourists : Selected Issues

Aleksandra Machnik


Tourists, very often, are not aware of dangers associated with the natural environment, such as poisonous plants, venomous or dangerous animals, climate, earthquakes, or volcanoes. They expose themselves to risk due to a lack of knowledge about both animated and unanimated components of nature. Often tourist unwisely want to experience something thrilling and unusu - al - like a photo with a wild animal. Particularly unsafe are all kinds of intoxications, particularly those connected with plants, because knowledge about plants is definitely poorer than knowledge about animals, which leads to - often deadly in consequence - poisonings by hazard. Travelling abroad became more popular nowadays, even to some exotic destinations. The number of nature - -based tourists and ecotourists is rising, consequently, causing numerous dangerous situations for these tourists. This paper contains basic information about some selected risks caused by nature, particularly, one provoked by plants growing in Poland and worldwide. It also contains the results of a study connected with tourist awareness about the abovementioned threats. (original abstract)


Tourism, Ecotourism, Natural environment, Health care protection, Security





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Machnik, A. (2014). Natural Hazards for Tourists : Selected Issues. Studia Periegetica, 11(1), 35–50. Retrieved from

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