Published : 2012-12-30

The Significance of Differences of Subjective Opinions Physical Activity at Students of Department of Physical Education, the Pedagogy and the Women from Ireland

Tadeusz Leszek Jasiński


Objectives. This study aimed at included acquaintance of the significant differences in the subjective assessment of female physical activities dependent on the declared interest in sports and marital status. Participants and methods. The study involved hundred fifty eight women, included 82 students of the physical education, 32 students of pedagogic faculty, and 44 Irishwomen. Research was done using methods of diagnostic survey. The technique was a questionnaire survey. Developed for this work. Results. Comparison of the physical activities of the physical education faculty students and Irishwomen enabled to see significant differences in several aspects. It was noted that the female students of the physical education faculty statistically significantly more frequent diversified forms of the physical exercises and gave higher scores the possibilities to practice them than the Irishwomen. Irishwomen significantly more frequently than the students participated in the lessons of fitness and swimming and practiced physical exercises as it improves "their health". Analysis of the marital state showed that unmarried women significantly more often practiced less popular physical activities (tennis, diving, horse-riding, martial arts, etc.) than married women. Unmarried women more frequently have chosen outdoor games as they "improved physical fitness". Conclusions. 1) The female students of the physical education faculty statistically significantly more frequent diversified forms of the physical exercises. 2) Irishwomen significantly more frequently than the students participated in the lessons of fitness and swimming. 3) Unmarried women more frequently have chosen outdoor games as they "improved physical fitness".(original abstract)


Physical culture, Woman, Students, Survey research, Comparative examination





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Jasiński, T. L. (2012). The Significance of Differences of Subjective Opinions Physical Activity at Students of Department of Physical Education, the Pedagogy and the Women from Ireland. Studia Periegetica, 8, 33–47. Retrieved from

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