Published : 2012-12-30

Physical Activity in Various Forms of Free-Time Acivities for Childern with Mildintellectual Disability

Izabella Kaiser


Aim: to determine various types of free-time activities for children with mild intellectual disability Material and method: The research was carried out in year 2012, among the pupils of No.2 Vocational School, which is part of No. 102 School for Children of Special Needs in Poznań. The questionnaire formed for this purpose included questions concerning free-time activities in different seasons of the year, amount of free time and participation of the children in extracurricular and after-school activities. Additional questions dealt with social situation of the respondents. Results: The majority of the respondents (75 per cent) was satisfied with the amount of free time they had. Pupils spend their free time in an active way, regardless of season. They seldom participated in organised sports events - 13,8 per cent took part in extracurricular activities, and 11,1 per cent - in after-school events. Conclusion: Properly organised leisure is one of the factors stimulating psycho-physical development of an intellectually disabled child. At the same time, his or her attitudes and system of values can be shaped and directly influenced by creating motivation to socially most desired forms of free-time activities. According to pedagogy of free time, family and school are to play a significant role in preparing an intellectually disabled child for rational use of leisure. It is important to educate them through both a role-model method - including social influence and manipulation of socially valuable patterns - and a task method. Preparation of the intellectually disabled to efficient free-time management aims at shaping in them culture of entertainment and relaxation; to show them how to regenerate their psyche and organisms.(original abstract)


Disabled people, Youth, Leisure time, Physical culture, Social and economic conditions, Questionnaire survey





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Kaiser, I. (2012). Physical Activity in Various Forms of Free-Time Acivities for Childern with Mildintellectual Disability. Studia Periegetica, 8, 49–66. Retrieved from

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