Published : 2012-12-30

Recreational and Natural Values of the Open-Air Kindergarten in Międzyrzecz

Michał Krzyżaniak

Magdalena Szczepańska

Dariusz Świerk

Dagmara Napierała


The open-air kindergarten in Międzyrzecz is an object of public greenery attended by children. Its location in the center of the city, surrounded by busy streets, causes disadvantages which must be prevented. The paper present the importance of public greenery in the lives of both children and young people as well. It also shows the importance of different types of playgrounds in psycho-motor development of children. The paper presents a the summary history of the development of the open-air kindergartens and children's playgrounds on Polish territory as well. The selection of the plants species appropriate for planting in areas used by children is also outlined. An important part of the paper is to present the results of the inventory conducted in the open-air kindergarten in Międzyrzecz. The inventory includes both the list of the tree species and their percentage stand in that location as well as the health status of those trees.(original abstract)


Children, Recreational values ​​of the environment, City





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Krzyżaniak, M., Szczepańska, M., Świerk, D., & Napierała, D. (2012). Recreational and Natural Values of the Open-Air Kindergarten in Międzyrzecz. Studia Periegetica, 8, 89–99. Retrieved from

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