Published : 2012-12-30

The Idea of Establishing the Natural Educational Path "Water Bodies in the Agricultural Landscape"

Dariusz Świerk

Michał Krzyżaniak

Magdalena Szczepańska


The paper describes a proposal to create a natural educational path "Water bodies in the agricultural landscape" in The General Dezydery Chłapowski Landscape Park. The track will consist of 13 small reservoirs which differ in terms of location in the landscape, the size, the degree of eutrophication and presence of littoral vegetation. An information board with a short description of each pond is proposed to be installed. Most of the ponds would be equipped with a description of the midfield reservoirs' definition, functions, threats and ways of their conservation. Noticeable effect of establishing proposed path would be both promotion of environmental education among pupils and youth and the development of tourism in The General Dezydery Chłapowski Lanscape Park as well. (original abstract)


Tourist routes, Water container, Teaching activity, Ecology education





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Świerk, D., Krzyżaniak, M., & Szczepańska, M. (2012). The Idea of Establishing the Natural Educational Path "Water Bodies in the Agricultural Landscape". Studia Periegetica, 8, 113–132. Retrieved from

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