Published : 2010-06-30

Green Roof : an Unusual Place of Rest and Recreation

Magdalena Szczepańska


The green roofs or gardens on rooftops were set up as early as in the sixth century B.C. in Mesopotamia. They gained their practical significance in Scandinavia as a natural protection against low temperatures as well as in Germany and Silesia as fire protection. The present development of the green roofs is due to ecological and economical reasons. In towns and cities they work as green belt areas compensating for the lack of space caused by extensive building expansion in built-up areas. Moreover, they make buildings look better, increase mental comfort and the quality of living. They improve heat insulation favorably influencing the indoor microclimate. They are also interesting places of rest. There are two types of green roofs: "intensive" - characterized by a greater selection of plant species and creating new places for recreation as well as "extensive" making an easy way to increase the bio variety plus improving the cities' microclimate. The latter require very little maintenance and are cheap to establish. (original abstract)


Architecture, Town spatial development, Landscape parks





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Szczepańska, M. (2010). Green Roof : an Unusual Place of Rest and Recreation. Studia Periegetica, 4, 161–176. Retrieved from

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