Published : 2020-12-30

The Impact of Euro 2012 on the Development of Municipalities Hosting National Teams - the Case of Gniewino

Łukasz Robert Karski

Joanna Danuta Jedel


The UEFA European Football Championship, held in 2012 in Poland, has brought a wide range of benefits, including the development of the recreation infrastructure and hotel facilities across the country. The championship has changed the way Poland and Poles are perceived by Europeans and has also contributed to improving the standard of living for inhabitants of many Polish towns and cities. The aim of this article is to evaluate the impact of Euro 2012 on the development of the Sports and Conference Centre in Gniewino and how it has affected the quality of life of its residents. The study is based on the analysis of literature and source documents as well as opinions collected in a survey of 450 respondents who answered a questionnaire consisting of 9 closed questions in December 2012. The findings indicate that the Sports and Conference Centre in Gniewino is currently one of the leading training centres for major football clubs from countries around the world. It can also be concluded that the organization of the Euro championship has had a positive impact on the quality of life of residents of Gniewino. (original abstract)


Sport, Infrastructure, Tourism, Football clubs, Tourism infrastructure, Regional development, European Football Championship EURO 2012, Quality of life, Case study





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Karski, Łukasz R., & Jedel, J. D. (2020). The Impact of Euro 2012 on the Development of Municipalities Hosting National Teams - the Case of Gniewino. Studia Periegetica, 32(4), 119–132.

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