Published : 2021-06-30

Tourism policy for seniors. An overview of selected practices

Jacek Borzyszkowski

Waldemar Józef Michalczak


Population ageing is affecting the market of leisure services and, in particular, the de-velopment of tourism. Like every other field of social life, contemporary tourism is shaped by tools provided by particular policies and other forms of social management. The authors analyse models of impacting the senior tourism market. A review of scientific literature and other sources suggests that the senior tourism market is becoming an important element of the contemporary tourism market, with a considerable growth potential role. Therefore, the article contains a review of activities resulting from tourism policy that have been undertaken at various levels and by dif-ferent entities. In particular, the authors describe selected activities aimed at increasing tourist activity of seniors in Europe in order to determine to what extent these experiences can be useful in other settings and why such initiatives should be implemented in Poland. Based on the re-sults of their desk research, the authors formulate recommendations for tourism policy in Poland. They conclude that initiatives aimed at increasing tourist activity of seniors are quite popular and diversified. They are undertaken at the international and national level, and also by individual tourism entities. In view of ongoing changes, mainly demographic ones, but also those result-ing from the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, it is evident that similar solutions should also be implemented in Poland. In addition to diversifying the country’s tourism policy, they can be expected to stimulate tourism activity of seniors and generate additional revenue for particular tourist destinations.


tourism, seniors, activities, tourism policy





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Borzyszkowski, J., & Michalczak, W. J. (2021). Tourism policy for seniors. An overview of selected practices. Studia Periegetica, 34(2), 65–81.

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