Published : 2021-06-30

The silver tourism economy in rural areas under conditions of sustainable development


The aim of the article is to present the concept of the silver tourism economy and to identify its supply and demand in rural areas in Poland in relation to sustainable development. The problems of interest were analysed in the context of values held by and ethical norms observed in rural communities. It was found that ethical aspects of sustainable development were embraced by older members of rural communities, and, consequently, were closely connected with the supply and demand sides of the silver tourism economy. The study revealed that the supply side of the silver tourism economy in rural areas was more developed than the demand side. The authors emphasize the need for natural, cultural, social and economic resources (associated with the supply side) to support the demand side of the rural tourism market. They also indicate that ethical values and norms of sustainable development are important for the silver tourism economy. The article is based a review of the literature, analysis of secondary sources and official documents and participant observation undertaken by of the authors.


rural areas, senior citizens, tourism, silver economy, sustainable development

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Sikora, J., & Wartecka-Ważyńska, A. A. (2021). The silver tourism economy in rural areas under conditions of sustainable development. Studia Periegetica, 34(2), 121–133.

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